Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Busy Week.....

Boy, have we had a lot to do this week! We made a trip up to San Antonio (2.5 hr drive) last Thursday to see Jax's hand specialist doctor up there about his surgery. Jax was born with a condition called Erb's Palsy. It has affected the nerves in his right arm and they are slowly coming back, but he's needed a little help along the way. He's already had one surgery on his bicep to help him regain the bending motion and now he has to have one on his wrist to help him be able to move it up and down and hopefully rotate his forearm, too. The first one was so stressful for me as a mother. I cried a lot! He had his poor little arm all wrapped up against his chest for three weeks afterwards. The bandages rubbed him all raw under his left arm, but he was a trooper! That was almost two years ago now and we're ready to go for it again! Hopefully this time won't be as bad. He does have to have a cast on for 6 weeks after. For now the surgery is scheduled for March 21st. We might have to change the date to early May for reasons too long to get into here. :)

Desiree also had her basketball tournament this past weekend. She just turned 13 and is 5'8"....When she said she wanted to try out for the basketball team, she was nervous that she wouldn't make it. Why, I'll never know....who wouldn't want the tallest 7th grader in the school on their basketball team?? So, she made it. Her team wasn't the greatest team in the school district, but she had so much fun and was staying active. Winners all around. So, they had their tournament this past weekend and they played Thursday and lost and then they played Friday and lost again. She was secretly happy they didn't have to play Saturday because then she could sleep in. :) She's turned into such a teenager overnight!

                                                 This is Des in action during the game!

                                                           Here she is with her coach.

So, over the past few years I have gained a lot more weight than I'm happy to admit.......(I'm not even happy with one lb). So, on Monday I joined a group here in our city that's going to do a version of The Biggest Loser. We all put $20 into the pot and the one who's lost the most at the end of 12 weeks gets the money! I am so not motivated right now to do anything about this "little" problem I have, so I thought I'd give it a try. We did our weigh-in on Monday and the race is on! Well, my kids have been wanting me to get healthier for a long time, so they are thrilled that I'm putting in an effort to do this. I've been counting all my calories since Monday, but the working out is going to take a little more effort. When I went to get into bed on Monday night, I found this note by my bed:                                          

Anastasia had written me out a workout plan! It was the cutest thing I had ever seen! I've been doing it, too! She asked me the next morning if I'd gotten her note. I told her I had. She then proceeded to tell me that she had made it easy for me since I was just starting. Gotta love that kid! I know she loves me, that's for sure!

Well, Valentine's Day was yesterday and we never really make a big deal out of it here at our house. I made the kids heart-shaped Norwegian waffles for breakfast and me and the hubby went out for lunch to Olive Garden, my favorite! It was actually a pretty good day for us! Here in Laredo, all the parents buy their kids these huge Valentine gifts with balloons and stuffed animals and all sorts of chocolates and have it delivered to them at school. I do think it's kind of a cute idea but I just can't bring myself to do it for them. They're always so sad about it, too. My guilt passes quickly, though. :)

I hope you all had a great day yesterday and that it was everything you wanted it to be!

I have to go now. It's Wednesday and I need to go reach for my toes sitting down for 10 seconds....


deeceebee said...

My week has been anything but busy. I cannot read this blog without crying. I miss those children so bad it hurts. Seeing that picture of little Jax brings back such memories. I remember him "patty-caking" on that blue thing and getting around QUICKLY even though he had only one arm available. "LOVE" det ord virker fattig............jeg kan ikke forklarer med ord det som foregaar oppi hjertet mitt. :o( Savner dere skikkelig.

Leslie said...

I can't believe Desiree is already 13!! Last time I saw her she was like 3. Your kids are gorgeous!! Next time I get an update email 3 times, I'll be sure to read again. :D